Business Valuation

Business valuation is more than simply recognizing the intrinsic worth of an asset. It is a complex financial process that demands an accurate understanding of business strategy, accounting and financial analysis as well as financial statement forecasting. The fair value measurements performed by business valuation firms provide the quantitative basis upon which management and shareholder decisions are made.

Every business is unique. What makes a business unique is its particular market, its competitive environment, the experience of management, its national or regional economic influences, and its financial history. These internal and external factors greatly affect the value of a business, often making the valuation process complex and involved.

Few things are more important to business owners than the value of their business. The valuation you get for your business can make or break a proposition. Whether you're negotiating a merger, considering new shareholders, attempting to resolve disputes associated with liability, shareholder equity, estate planning or marital dissolution, objective valuation can make the difference between loss or gain, success or failure.

Business valuation is not an exact science. It's based on judgment, experience and relevant information. So, you need professionals who are well qualified, with significant experience in evaluating all types of organizations.

Our approach is to intimately know your business in order to understand what constitutes its value. We work closely with you to analyze your operations and historical financial data. Our in-depth knowledge of your business enables us to provide a well-reasoned, fully documented and defensible valuation opinion.

We provide a full range of business valuation services for the following needs:
  • Purchase or sale of closely held business or business interests.
  • Management buyouts.
  • Leveraged buyout transactions.
  • Bank financing.
  • Financial restructuring and recapitalization.
  • Analysis and advice concerning pending offers to purchase.
  • Valuation of subsidiaries, divisions and joint ventures for spin-off to shareholders and/or sale
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